Operation and us農木e
1. Connect and install the equi房我pment in strict accordance 但資with the operation an唱黃d maintenance instructions of火小 the inverter. During installatio樹樂n, check carefully: whether the w訊吃ire diameter meets the車就 requirements; whether the男睡 parts and terminals are loose愛黃 during transportation; whet理明her the insulation is 師坐good; whether the syste間是m grounding meets the require土去ments.
2. Operate and use the inver區動ter in strict accordance wi離空th the operation and maintenance ins購我tructions. In partic妹上ular: before startin風空g the machine, pay attenti從飛on to whether the input voltage is nor睡計mal; during operation, pay 校事attention to whether the s笑明equence of switching on and off t我現he machine is correct, and whether th秒票e indication of each meter he的答ad and indicator light is normal北草.
3. Generally, the inverte睡男r has automatic protection for 報報open circuit, over-current,照自 over-voltage, overheat and ot年秒her items, so in case of t高身hese phenomena, there is拿鐘 no need to stop the machin有業e manually; the protection poi鐘議nt of automatic prot唱麗ection is generally set in the factory會機, and no need to adjust.
4. There is high voltag請紙e in the inverter cab話光inet. Generally, the opera現音tor shall not open the cabinet d物件oor, which shall be locked n做員ormally.
5. When the room temperatu也車re exceeds 30 ℃, heat dissipati聽還on and cooling measure體市s shall be taken to prevent equ中熱ipment failure and extend the師睡 service life of the equipment.快做