First, classification
The photovoltaic grid-connect著知ed inverter is a special device t工她hat converts the DC power吃些 generated by the photovolt店資aic array (photovoltaic c身看ell/component) photoelectric effect弟年 (solar energy into electr在愛ic energy) into AC power and then merg廠睡es into the public pow森中er grid. Different from月什 conventional inverter product讀用s, it can follow the change木車s of sunshine conditi音算ons to the maximum extent and keep runn船和ing on the best power conversion effi雜雨ciency and power outpu為票t characteristics. It can be場日 divided into three catego雪很ries: photovoltaic grid-conn地又ected micro-inverters, string-type亮身 inverters and centralize友動d inverters. The application scope c讀子overs large-scale ground photovoltaic 刀低power stations, wind-solar comple花喝mentary street lighting是要, and household-use roof 著弟photovoltaic power gener爸一ation. Photovoltaic farm irriga紅一tion and other fields. There are many s相技tyles of products, which ca吃看n be divided into indoor and outdoor水麗 products. They can cope with differen火房t application environments, and their雜舞 products have differ小時ent shapes. At the same time, t喝務heir output power ranges from ten訊放s of watts to hundreds of kilow行兒atts or even megawatts t木裡o meet different applica技少tions. demand.
Second, purchase
Photovoltaic grid-conne不文cted inverter is one of the essentia上新l core components in pho姐睡tovoltaic power generation 北就applications. The effi歌公ciency of a single p白刀hotovoltaic power generati紙店on project and the annual power gene光哥ration are all dependent on the 兒爸product, and it is also the core 自票component of the safe o物藍peration of photovoltaic power gen家森eration. Consumers (users)但都 can choose different power l車雪evels and different types風懂 of products according to diffe事歌rent functions, and can meet 姐如the needs of household photovoltaic 媽老power generation, industrial 湖小and commercial distributed po西亮wer generation, and pow妹靜er generation for power generation en校和terprises.
When purchasing什花 a PV grid-connected 著房inverter, first pay at會路tention to the label on the package and吃自 the product, identify the in相習put voltage range, voltage 制市type, maximum input current of th做外e PV grid-connected inverter; output vo校讀ltage level, voltage type, freque鐵跳ncy; maximum Continuous oper妹生ating current, maximum output po用亮wer, and inverter efficiency. Secondly,家員 the random data of the product should水光 be checked. The random data shoul男公d include at least the 我美following contents: prod遠吧uct details (including te通讀chnical parameter description), prod知鐘uct installation instr厭信uctions, operation instructions and m如光aintenance instructions.
As a general ind信視ustrial product, PV grid-connected i拍秒nverter products are recommend醫去ed to be used by non-professionals老筆. After purchasing the product那歌 by non-professionals, you should caref算農ully read the random do她銀cuments such as the prod美購uct manual, and insta慢兒ll and use it in strict accord錯長ance with the requirements of the rand愛些om documents. If you have any questi空暗ons, you need to contact the manufact畫關urer or manufacturer to ensure 年雪proper installation and use.
If you purchase f雜們oreign-imported products, you sh時下ould pay attention to whether t車麗he foreign products decl麗從are the application of domestic 冷國standards. At present, the current eff計做ective product standards事歌 in China are NB/T32004-2013 &q個畫uot;Technical Specifications for Phot哥照ovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter火看s", especially paying attention廠上 to foreign countries. The 美白output voltage and f校訊requency of the product should be木白 matched with the domestic p草務ublic grid point where the produc是算t is connected. In addition, it is nece都道ssary to pay attention to the唱明 fact that the requirement近討s for over-voltage protection of for好裡eign products are signi不問ficantly different from the domestic s商空tandards. When using foreign p問著roducts, the products will be cause但男d. Mistakes or refusal, there are hu門懂ge security risks, and non-professio訊房nals are not recommended to p小朋urchase foreign imported products.
For professionals to purchase很身 PV grid-connected i地著nverters, in addition to paying atten技鄉tion to the maximum conversi樂慢on efficiency marked on the pr黑男oduct nameplate, it is also nec劇厭essary to pay attenti為信on to the maximum power point tracking如看 efficiency of the product, 姐慢and the product is at low to 內樹medium power (50% rated output音人 power and below). ) Power日現 quality conditions 來姐during operation (eg ou學雨tput harmonics, DC components, et志問c.) and their over/under voltage protec算在tion parameters. According to the文讀 different use envir事男onments of the products, the 刀水products should be differentiated a了物nd used. For example, househol森鄉d household products should pay atten到年tion to the electromag西睡netic compatibility and n輛資oise indicators of the produc刀遠ts; products used in 問市high altitude areas (the ap器術plicable products should not 費現exceed 1 000 m above sea leve木購l). Pay attention to derating; product短民s used in extremely low temperature a問子nd high temperature areas (t家購he temperature range of conventional 房要products is -25 ° C ~ +60 ° C) shou店月ld pay attention to the climatic en森黃vironment adaptability of the produc路女t, leaving sufficient safety山近 margin for normal use of the product.
Third, maintena到照nce
The service life of 山火PV grid-connected invert上飛ers is generally 10-20 year她坐s. The quality level 下說of products is uneven. 請線If improper maintenance is used裡問, the life of PV grid-connected in熱們verters will be seriously shorten廠司ed, and even huge potential sa朋店fety hazards will be brought. .
Firstly, the technical paramet妹可ers of the products to 刀票be purchased must be determined by 雨街the professional according to the城自 needs of the use, and then費你 installed by profession雜小al and technical personn海分el, and the products can be con靜事nected to the grid and 內話put into use after being qua什火lified by the local power department.
In daily use, it is ne頻一cessary to regularly check the 快一input and output terminal白農s of the product. The connect村林ion should be firm. The input and o森銀utput wires and cables are not aging 南雜or the skin is damaged or sc我近ratched. The grounding 這體wire is firm, not broken or falling o為作ff. If problems are found, t和司hey should be replaced by professi不還onals. Do not remove the input and outp路草ut terminals at will. The input t錯劇erminals have dangerous voltage genera大務ted during the daytime. T說街he output terminals a了公re always energized before 讀場the grid connection is di文會sconnected. The live parts鐵身 of the terminals should be avoided 見是and not touched by per低我sonnel.
In daily use, if the inverter is服個 faulty, it should immediately disco雪謝nnect the protection switch fro拍男m the grid, and ask the pr日的ofessional to eliminate the fault 靜服before turning on the inverter ag物長ain.
Before performing any畫這 maintenance work, first disconne為離ct the PV grid-connected inverter fr我聽om the grid, then disconnect the DC 中爸side electrical connec輛黃tion and wait at least 5 風窗minutes until the inter匠身nal components are discharged before光事 repair work is required. Professional人靜 and technical personne弟家l complete.
Non-professionals sh個書ould not disassemble the和友 product casing. Professionals 了書should follow the warning 學間signs on the product durin熱黑g maintenance. Wear ant車民i-static gloves to avoid unnecessary 他低board contact. Also, pay白離 attention to the bare hand and do not黃公 directly touch the power of the inve吃近rter. The device and the he空從at sink, the product sti靜時ll has a high temperatur女綠e for a period of time after the 術快power is cut off, and shou知技ld be protected from 知南burns.
In daily use of th時分e product, the surface of the p吃影roduct and the dust at the inlet and關她 outlet can be clean數河ed regularly with a clean and sof黃草t dry cloth to keep the product好雜 well cooled and the product is in 生兵a good ventilation environmen不行t. Maintenance of the product's unp玩錯acked enclosure is not recommended for到動 operation by non-technical profe鐵信ssionals.